Before I became a nurse practitioner, I was concerned about my weight, so I did a ton of research on the best way to lose weight. Now that I am a nurse practitioner, I get to apply my own knowledge to help others lose weight. “If It Fits Your Macros” Diet My favorite diet for […]
Year: 2022

WakeMed’s 360 Rehab Helped Swayzine McLean Get Back on Her Feet
Swayzine McLean is a longtime Raleigh resident in her 60s whose engaging presence and infectious laughter brighten everyone she meets. Commitment to Good Health After Heart Attack and Onset of Chronic Conditions Yet, her journey has not been without setbacks. Swayzine is a heart attack survivor who received an implantable defibrillator. She also lives with […]

Meal Planning and Prepping: A How-To Guide
We have all seen meal prep posts on Instagram or other social media where individuals show off their weeks’ worth of preps. Each meal positioned in an individual container that covers the top of their kitchen island. They have meticulously adjusted the color balance, the shadows and the saturation to make every portion of the […]

Foods that Heal
Are you looking to speed up your recovery from illness or fuel your athletic performance? Look no further than the power of plants. Plant foods in the form of fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains have been helping to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease as well as lower the […]

Employee Spotlight: Hand Therapist Rochelle Masudal, OTR/L
Hands, wrists and elbows. Rochelle Masudal has a passion for helping people regain mobility, strength and function in these body parts. “I love this specialty area of OT because I am very results-oriented,” explains Masudal. “I appreciate how quickly my patients and I can see continuous gains in these parts of the upper extremities with […]

Heart Care at Its Best: Pandora Johnson’s Story
Pandora Johnson is always on the move. A craftsman, church volunteer, home chef, server and delivery driver, she loves leading an active life. But, when chest pain became so persistent that it stopped her in her tracks, she searched for help and eventually found it at WakeMed. Sudden and Intermittent Chest Pain On Wednesday, January […]

Help! Spring is Here and I Have Seasonal Allergies
Oh, glorious spring. After the dark, decay of winter, the sky brightens and signs of nature’s reemergence begin. The birds are chirping. The bees are buzzing. The flowers are blooming, but you are sneezing and coughing and breaking out in hives! The yellow-green pollen haze that infiltrates every space and lands on every surface means […]

When Every Second Counts: Mason Hilke’s Trauma Story
August 12, 2019 was a hot, summer night in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and 15-year-old Mason Hilke along with his friends were looking for a little adventure. A lacrosse player, Wake Forest High School rising sophomore and self-proclaimed dare devil, Mason’s thrill-seeking culminated in a way he hadn’t expected — a life-threatening head injury. Fun […]

WakeMed Trauma Centers
Trauma is sudden and unexpected. Before you realize what’s happened, your life, or the life of a loved one can be devastated. A fall, a vehicle collision, fire, traumatic brain injury and more can have impacts for a lifetime. While you are likely not preparing for life’s traumatic events, we certainly are. As Wake County’s […]

A History of Outstanding Cardiovascular Care
WakeMed has long been a leader in cardiovascular care. Below, Dr. Helton recalls some of this rich history. 50+ Years of Heart Surgery WakeMed began its esteemed tradition of providing high-quality and highly advanced heart care during WakeMed’s first decade. The first open-heart surgery was performed at WakeMed (then known as Wake Memorial) on March 2, […]
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