According to the CDC, fall death rates among adults age 65 and older increased about 41% from 2012 to 2021. From 2021-2022, in the WakeMed Trauma units at Raleigh Campus and Cary Hospital, the upward trend in falls has also been evidenced — with a 8% increase in falls-related trauma among patients 65+. Fall prevention is critically important as […]
Tag: fall prevention

Prevent Icy Falls With These Tips
The number one reason patients visit our Emergency Departments during winter storms is due to injury from falls. While we want you to enjoy your snow day, we also want you to be safe! Injuries from falling are not only common when we have winter weather – they’re the top reason people seek treatment from […]

Winter Weather Injury Statistics
Old Man Winter’s visit to the Triangle made for a busy few days at WakeMed’s seven emergency departments. A winter wonderland is beautiful, but it’s often icy and dicey when we start to venture out. WakeMed Emergency Departments treated approximately 70 patients with winter weather-related injuries. Here is a breakdown of winter weather injuries from January 17-18: […]

Winter Slips & Falls? We’ve Got You Covered
During the winter, it is not uncommon for us to see an increase in the number of slips, trips and falls due to inclement weather. The following are some quick tips to help you avoid injury when winter weather strikes. Wear shoes that have decent traction on the bottom. Keep walkways clear of snow/ice/debris. Avoid […]

Five Ways to Prevent Falls in Older Adults
September 22 is not just the first day of fall. It is also national Falls Prevention Awareness Day. Every 11 seconds, an older adult is seen in a U.S. emergency department for a falls-related injury. Last year in our state, falls among older adults led to more than 17,000 hospitalizations. Tips to Prevent Falling in […]

Preventing Falls As We Age
For many, the ability to keep doing the things we enjoy and spending time with those we care about are the keys to aging well and maintaining a good quality of life. According to the National Council on Aging, falls are currently the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for older adults. The […]

Brain Injury Awareness Month
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month! The Brain Injury Assocation of America and local chapters conduct an awareness campaign annually to promote support and understanding of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This year the theme for Brain Injury Awareness Month is “NOT ALONE”. Raising Awareness About Traumatic Brain Injury Many people are unaware of the impact […]

Ice & Snow = Slips & Falls
Can you guess the number one reason patients visit our Emergency Departments during significant winter storms? If you guessed, injury from falls, you are correct! Injuries from falls are a major hazard during winter weather events. In fact, injury from a fall is the number one reason for seeking treatment in our Emergency Departments during […]
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