Sneakers. What’s not to love? Generations of sneakerheads have cultivated an obsession as they collect, trade and share — coveting vast stores of knowledge about the brand histories and designs. Sneakers aren’t just for sneakerheads though. They are a wardrobe essential. The right sneakers not only feel great and provide necessary protection for your feet, […]
Category: Exercise and Fitness

Falls on the Rise Among Adults 65+: Here’s Why and What You Can Do
According to the CDC, fall death rates among adults age 65 and older increased about 41% from 2012 to 2021. From 2021-2022, in the WakeMed Trauma units at Raleigh Campus and Cary Hospital, the upward trend in falls has also been evidenced — with a 8% increase in falls-related trauma among patients 65+. Fall prevention is critically important as […]

A Will to Win: Olivia Jacob’s Story
Olivia Jacobs was born with the attributes of a winning athlete. With passion, self-confidence, self-discipline and resilience, she channeled her competitive spirit into her most beloved sport: basketball. For years, she was motivated and optimistic about her future as a high school and even collegiate athlete, but setbacks followed. A Debilitating Knee Injury In November 2020, […]

Resist the Comfort Zone with Strength Training
The legendary band, The Delta Rhythm Boys, had it right when they wrote the lyrics for “dem dry bones.” As adults age, minerals begin to leech out of the bones, leaving them brittle, fragile and prone to breaking. This condition, known as osteoporosis, may seem inevitable, but with a little work, adults can protect their […]

Fighting Congestive Heart Failure with an Advocate Who Cares: Jade DeBerry’s Story
Jade DeBerry’s story began in February 2007, when at just 23 years old, she experienced a severe cough and shortness of breath. Jade visited the emergency room where a series of tests and scans were run, including one to test her ejection fraction rate. An Idiopathic Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosis An ejection fraction rate is […]

Step It Up! Try Nordic Walking for Total-Body Health
In the winter, cross-country skiing is a sport favored by many, blending exercise with fresh, mountain air and scenic snowy terrain. However, given our local climate where snow and skiing are rare opportunities, we have Nordic walking to fill the gap. Nordic walking offers a higher intensity workout when brisk walking isn’t quite enough. It […]

An Injured Athlete and a Team that Wouldn’t Give Up: Savannah Anderson’s Story
Strong-willed, compassionate, loving, an animal whisperer: these are the words Gwen Anderson (a mom and WakeMed employee) uses to describe her highly athletic daughter, Savannah Anderson, who began showing horses at the young age of five. “She loves animals,” shares Gwen, “especially her three horses. She is also persistent, so when she sets a goal, […]

Take 5 with Robert Ferguson, DO
Robert Ferguson, DO, is a board-certified cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon who is highly skilled in performing a wide range of cardiothoracic surgeries with a focus on minimally-invasive techniques. Let’s get to know more about Dr. Ferguson, his unique skillset and what he loves most about winter. Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m […]

Alexis Harris Gets Her Teen Confidence Back Through WakeMed Children’s Pediatric Weight Management
Bubbly and extraverted, Alexis Harris loves listening to music and making TikTok dance videos — similar to many teenagers. Thrice exceptional (diagnosed with ADHD, autism and a learning disability), she lights up when asked about her school — East Wake High, favorite subject — math, and hopes for the future — advocacy. Alexis plans to […]

Aging and Your Metabolism: The truth about gaining weight and getting older
If you find that your favorite dress is getting tighter every year, it’s probably not your imagination. Research shows that adults gain an average of one to two pounds per year. You may have heard that the culprit is a slowing metabolism. If that’s true, how can you best maintain a healthy weight into middle […]
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