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Fixing the Root Cause of Chronic Acid Reflux (GERD)

‘I am excited to inform you of an innovative procedure to treat heartburn and acid reflux. It is performed through the mouth much like an upper endoscopy (EGD) and has already been performed worldwide on more that 20,000 patients. We are thrilled with how well our patients have done after having the TIF procedure.”
– Dr. H. Paul Singh, MD

What is the ‘TIF’ Procedure?

Dr. H. Paul Singh, M.D., just began offering the TIF (Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication) as an option to treat acid reflux or GERD, which is one of the most common disease affecting Americans today.

This condition occurs when the valve located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened allowing food mixed with acidic digestive juices from the stomach to go back (reflux) into the esophagus. It utilizes the EsophyX device that was developed in 2007.


Traditional Surgery for Acid Reflux (GERD) vs. TIF Procedure

While traditional (conventional) antireflux surgery provides an effective solution for treating GERD, it requires several abdominal incisions and can produce side effects like difficulty swallowing (26%), bloating (36%), and increased flatulence (65%).

The TIF procedure also fixes the root of the acid reflux problem by repairing or recreating the antireflux valve that keeps the stomach acids from flowing back into the esophagus (reflux), but does so without any abdominal incisions.

The results are comparable and follow the well-established principles of the traditional approach in a more innovative fashion with fewer side effects. The procedure restores the digestive system’s natural protection against against acid reflux.

Benefits of the TIF procedure are as follows:

  • Fixes Root Problem of Overflow (reflux) Medication just changes the chemistry of the stomach
  • Discontinuation of Medication – Approximately 80% of TIF patients discontinue daily medications
  • Outpatient Procedure
  • Less Invasive – No Incisions
  • No Dissection Required – Some conventional antireflux surgeries involve cutting around the anatomy which puts the patient at risk for complications, adhesions and can lead to a longer recovery time
  • Fewer Adverse Effects – Over 18,000 TIF procedures have been performed with less complications that traditional antireflux surgery
  • Does not limit future treatment

Want to See How it Works?

TIF 2.0 procedure with EsophyX Z device from EndoGastric Solutions on Vimeo.

Learn More About the TIF Procedure

For more information on the TIF procedure and other services to treat GI conditions, contact Center for Digestive Diseases, Cary, NC (919) 854 0041. Also find out more about the gastroenterology services that WakeMed provides, and request an appointment today.
