Some days, parenting can feel like an uncharted path full of wonder and worry. And, while parenthood doesn’t come with a fail-proof handbook, there’s a lot families can do to prevent life-threatening situations and prepare for real emergencies. We asked Graham Snyder, MD, emergency medicine physician and medical director of WakeMed Medical Simulation Center, to […]
Tag: swimming

Water Safety, Rip Currents – Enjoy Summer Fun, but Stay Safe!
It’s officially summer and the staggering statistics are out: In 2020, seven people drowned in the North Carolina surf. The cause of three of them? Rip currents. Wilmington Surf City Fire Chief Allen Wilson reported that by end of May 2020, they “had more rescue calls than all of [the prior] year.” The main reason for […]

7 Tips to Swim Safer This 4th of July
The July 4 holiday is prime time for water fun for both adults and children. It also a time when we see an increase in injuries as the result of unsafe swimming habits. Someone who sees these injuries firsthand is the medical director for the Emergency Department at WakeMed Apex Healthplex, Dr. Jeffrey Cook. Whether […]
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