August 12, 2019 was a hot, summer night in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and 15-year-old Mason Hilke along with his friends were looking for a little adventure. A lacrosse player, Wake Forest High School rising sophomore and self-proclaimed dare devil, Mason’s thrill-seeking culminated in a way he hadn’t expected — a life-threatening head injury. Fun […]
Tag: helmet safety

National Ride Your Bike to School Day
Remember the days when kids would bike or walk to school? They’d arrive glistening and energized after their trek in the cool, morning air. More fastidious kids would carefully latch their bikes to the school bike rack, and the boisterous ones would scatter them near the rack and bound into the school building. We call […]

Helmet Safety: Skip the School of Hard Knocks
Life comes with guaranteed bumps and bruises. Some you can’t avoid; some help you learn and grow — and there are some hard knocks from which you can and should protect yourself and your children. Knocks to the noggin top that list. The best way to protect your child from a head injury is to […]

Helmet Safety
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), only 11 percent of children involved in bicycle accidents wear a helmet. And according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), …an estimated 33 million children ride bicycles for nearly 10 billion hours each year. Unfortunately, an average of 384 children die annually from bicycle […]
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