Oh, glorious spring. After the dark, decay of winter, the sky brightens and signs of nature’s reemergence begin. The birds are chirping. The bees are buzzing. The flowers are blooming, but you are sneezing and coughing and breaking out in hives! The yellow-green pollen haze that infiltrates every space and lands on every surface means […]
Tag: allergies

Allergies: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
An allergy occurs when your body’s immune system sees a certain substance as harmful. It reacts by causing an allergic reaction. Substances that cause allergic reactions are allergens. There are many types of allergies. Some allergies are seasonal and others are year-round. Some allergies may be life-long. It is important to work with your health […]

Latex Allergies
The term “latex” refers to the protein in the sap of the Brazilian rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis). It also refers to “natural rubber products” made from that sap. Latex is in many everyday products: balloons rubber bands condoms and diaphragms rubber household gloves rubber balls bandages and more Contact with these products can cause an […]

Allergic Rhinitis
Achoo! This past winter season has done its part in confusing even medical professionals. When it comes to preparing our patients for avoiding sickness, drastic changes in weather can present a challenge. Now that spring is officially upon us, we are all excited at the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. But with embracing the […]

Managing Seasonal Allergies During Pregnancy
Spring has sprung in North Carolina! Unfortunately, that means the start of seasonal allergy season for many. With blooming flowers and budding trees come sneezes, sniffles, and itchy eyes for many sufferers of springtime allergies. For pregnant women, allergy symptoms can seem worse than normal due to increased swelling of nasal tissue. In fact, 25% […]

Seasonal Allergies: Your Questions Answered
Most people look forward to the Spring as a time to embrace longer days, and warmer weather. However, if you’re an allergy sufferer it can also be something to dread – especially if you live in North Carolina where five of our cities (including Raleigh and Durham) rank among the Most Challenging Places to Live […]
Living with Spring Allergies? We Want to Help
Recently, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America ranked the top 100 cities in the United States that cause trouble for people who suffer from spring allergies. See list here. Scores were based on the prevalence of certain types of pollen and molds, pharmacy data for prescription allergy medicines in the area and the number […]
Springtime Allergies Can Trigger Asthma Attacks in Children
For children with allergies who also suffer from asthma, the spring season can be life-threatening. But with the right medications and proper medical monitoring, children can stay on playgrounds with their friends without inviting an asthma attack. Dr. Karen Chilton, a pediatric physician with Wake Faculty Physicians, discusses with WRAL what you can do to […]

Feeling Like Sneezy? It Might Just Be the Trees.
We were all feeling a bit congested in the office today, so I took the time to look up the pollen count on weather.com. Lo and behold we had jumped to a “high” level of tree pollen – oak and pine specifically. We were also all curious as to what we could possibly do to […]
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