We’ve been hearing a lot about preparation recently, but it is difficult to figure out the best way to prepare when there is an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty. We’ve seen what not to do (like panic buy toilet paper), but what actually makes sense? Quick Tips to Stay Prepared in Times of Uncertainty #1 […]
Author: Meredith Ebersohl RD

Starting Fresh (and Healthier) in the New Year
It’s that time again. Many of us have spent several weeks being out of our normal routine, navigating too much food, stress, and travel while not getting enough sleep. “Detoxing” from the Holidays The holidays are a wonderful time of the year, but they can often leave us physically and emotionally drained. It’s only natural […]

Your Nutritional Year in Review
What a year it’s been! If you follow health news, your head is probably spinning with hidden dangers and surprising benefits of many foods. It’s hard to keep track of it all. Is butter terrible or healthy now? What about eggs? Should I toss out my coconut oil or put it in my coffee? Should […]

Cholesterol & Your Heart: Know Your Numbers
We may know that cholesterol is related to heart disease and that it can build up in our arteries. But where does it come from, how can we lower it, and when should we consider medication? Where does cholesterol come from? Our bodies make cholesterol in a tightly-controlled process that is influenced by genetics. Cholesterol […]

Tricks to a Healthier Halloween!
Happy Halloween! If you’re feeling a little anxious about how to navigate this candy-filled holiday, you’re not alone. Parents in particular may feel a little stressed. They want their children to avoid the same mistakes they made, and Halloween seems like a particularly good time to impart some wisdom. Maybe the holiday gives flashbacks of […]
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