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Live Your Healthiest Year Yet

The most popular New Year’s resolution is to get healthy and lose weight.

Make this the year that those resolutions result in real change by following the very sensible advice of dietitians and nutrition scientists around the world.  This advice is summed up in a recent News & Observer article written by WakeMed’s own Parul Kharod.

Parul broke it down into a few key points, including:

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Limit sugar, alcohol and red meat, and avoid processed meats. (Generally follow the guidelines of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee)
  2. Know where your food comes from, how it is produced and its impact on our health.
  3. Do not change your diet based on every new research study.
  4. Be positive – think about not just what to cut out, but also what to add.
  5. Food can and should have flavor.

Follow these few points and live your healthiest lifestyle yet!

If you would like help from Parul or another dietitian to start off on the right track, learn more about our outpatient dietitian services.  Many times these consultations are covered by insurance and are available to you at no additional charge.
