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Mitigating Fire Danger

We have increased fire danger for the day today due to predicted strong winds and very dry air. Forecasters are recommending postponing any burning until the winds lessen.

Today’s warning is a good reminder for us to all review our fire safety plans at home.  In the United States, fire departments respond to a home fire every 82 seconds.  Cooking is the number one reason for home fires and injuries, and smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths.

Smoke alarms cut in half the risk of dying in a home fire.  However, in more than half of reported home fires, smoke alarms did not operate properly due to missing or disconnected batteries.

This October, be sure to purchase a smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher for your home. Teach everyone in the house how to use the fire extinguisher, and change your smoke alarm batteries twice a year.  Additionally, if you have flammable chemicals in the house, store them correctly.  In case of a fire, establish an escape route and meeting place with your family or housemates.

For more fire safety tips, be sure to check out our previous blog on fire dangers and children.
