At WakeMed heart health awareness is not just a priority during February (American Heart Month). So, even though it is March, we felt that you would still benefit from hearing from a cardiologist or two about how they stay heart healthy. These profiles were also included in our most recent issue of Heart to Heart.

Dr. John Sinden’s Prescription for Heart Health
Heart to Heart: What helps you focus on fitness?
Dr. Sinden: Setting goals is important and helps make the work of fitness more focused. Having a purpose is also a great motivator. My son, who goes to Boston College, has run in the Boston Marathon a couple of times, and my wife and I have gone up to see him. We learned about the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team runners by watching these committed folks run in the marathon. A Raleigh friend has also run with the team.
My son encouraged me that I could run with the team even though I couldn’t time-qualify for the race. I went to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Marathon Challenge team Web site, applied for the team and was accepted to run in the marathon in April. Now, I have a goal — to run the marathon. And, I have a purpose — to raise funds for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s efforts to help scientists continue to achieve better cure rates among patients. My goal is $6,075. These are strong motivators for me. But I believe that routine daily exercise is important, and certainly one does not have to run a marathon to attain his or her fitness goals.
Matters of the Heart
Please note too that we added another Matters of the Heart event being held on March 11 at the WakeMed Heart Center Conference Center. Dr. John Sinden of Raleigh Cardiology and Dr. Brent Myers, medical director, Wake County EMS, will cover the basics of chest pain, from the warning signs and early diagnosis and treatement to activation of the 9-1-1 emergency system. Space is still available. Visit this web site to register.
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