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The Skinny on Fitness and Weight Loss

If you are like most people, you have stopped and started diets and exercise programs time and time again.  Tune in to Twitter tomorrow (Wednesday, January 20) at noon to learn tips and tricks from Marie Bagin, Healthworks fitness specialist, and stay on track in 2010.  Marie can give advice on:

  • Starting an exercise program
  • Keeping your exercise program fresh even during cold weather
  • Fitting fitness in during the day regardless of the amount of time you think you DON’T have
  • Maximizing the internet, cable TV and movie service subscriptions to pump up your fitness

How to Participate

You can view Marie’s side of the Twitter chat by going to WakeMed’s twitter page or you can view the conversation  here.

Ask Marie a question by posting your question to your profile and including the hashtag “#hlthchat” within the message.  This hashtag lets Marie keep track of your questions and answer them quickly.  You can also direct message questions during the chat or in advance to @WakeMed.


One thought to “The Skinny on Fitness and Weight Loss”

  1. Well I can’t wait to get the info. I need to know how to maintain my healthy eating regimen as well as maintain my exercise program in the cold weather.

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