There is information overload on topics related to nutrition, fitness and health. Websites, blogs, books, and other media outlets have all sorts of information on various diets. It is important to know what and who to trust! There’s no ONE diet that is right for everyone, so it is important to follow a healthful eating […]
Tag: diet

Recipe: Green Rice & Beans
Forget Green Eggs & Ham! Add this green, heart healthy recipe as a side dish or as a filling for tacos or stuffed peppers or tomatoes. Green Rice & Beans Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 1 green chili – Serrano or jalapeno (or 4 oz. can of mild green chilies) 1 inch […]
Vitamin D Exposed
Originally associated with the childhood disease rickets, vitamin D has reemerged as an important factor in health and disease prevention. The studies are so convincing, health organizations and our government are considering officially increasing the recommended daily requirement for vitamin D in the diet. It is estimated that 75 percent of US teens and up to […]
Is Sugar Toxic?
Recently sugar has been all over the news as it’s been linked with the growing obesity problem in the United States. Earlier this month, Dr. Robert Lustig told CBS News’ “60 minutes” that sugar is addictive, toxic, and it’s killing us by increasing our risk of heart disease, type II diabetes, hypertension and cancer. The […]
NC’s Seasonal Sensation – The Sweet Potato
Yesterday I posted NC’s No-diet Diet featuring a list of seasonal fruits and vegetables grown right here in our state. As promised, here is the first round of healthy recipes showcasing this month’s seasonal sensation – all to help you get healthy in 2011. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, enjoy these healthy recipes with […]
NC’s No-Diet Diet
Every January, we all make the promise to eat better, get in shape and lead healthier lifestyles. Inevitably, few of us stick to this lofty promise. If you’re one of the many who succumb to the onslaught of office goodies or game day grease, you’re not alone. The good news is that North Carolina’s long […]
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