Download a printable version of this blog post. Below, Dr. Nunoo discusses some of the common questions, symptoms and treatment of diverticulitis. What is diverticulitis and what causes it? Diverticulosis are pockets that form on the colon. Although these pockets occur throughout the whole colon they are most commonly found in the section of the […]
Category: General Surgery

Mammograms: Your Questions Answered
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Below, Dr. Lori Lilley discusses frequently asked questions related to mammograms and breast cancer screenings. Have a question you’d like to ask Dr. Lilley? Email us and reference this blog post. We’ll compile your questions and answer them in a future blog post. #1 – When should I start […]

Why Does it Take So Long to Diagnose Gallbladder Disease?
Your gallbladder, which is literally a bile storage tank located on the right side of your abdomen, is a bit like a computer – you take it for granted when it is working and then you spend hours trying to diagnose the problem when it is broken. Why Gallbladder Disease is Difficult to Diagnose Gallbladder […]

Pain After Surgery – What to Expect
What kind of pain should I expect after surgery? In part, this will depend on the type of surgery. Everyone is different and responds to surgery in a different way. There are some common issues about pain after surgery. Common Pain Issues You May Encounter Post-Surgery Day 1 After Surgery Many patients will feel bad […]
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