The beginning of the year is often a time for resolutions and new routines. It comes on the heels of a holiday season that typically brings more indulgences, increased stress and inconsistent sleep. It’s only natural to look for a reset as we turn the calendar to a new year. Instead of seeking out the […]
Author: Meredith Ebersohl RD

Processed Foods: How bad are they?
A few weeks ago, we discussed why you are not limited to the perimeter of the grocery store for healthy food. That’s right. You don’t have to eat only unprocessed vegetables, fruit, protein and grains to maintain a healthy diet. Now, it’s time to dig deeper and share which processed foods you should eat and […]

Ending Grocery Shopping Fiction: Shop the Perimeter of the Store
The hustle and bustle is upon us. Back to school season brings with it a calendar chockful of school programs, extracurricular activities, social engagements, homework and volunteerism. In the scramble to be on time and prepared, a major concern is what to eat — that’s fast. Figuring out what to pack for lunch and snack […]

All About Grains and Going Gluten-Free
Grains are also known as kernels. They are the seed of a plant and are made of three main parts: the bran, endosperm and germ. The bran is the outer layer of a grain and has fiber, vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants. The middle layer is the endosperm, which has starchy carbohydrates, protein and some vitamins and […]

Fresh, frozen or canned: What’s the best choice?
We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables, specifically 5-9 servings every day, but only 1 in 10 Americans reach the goal. One of the easiest ways to increase that number is to choose frozen or canned produce, but navigating the health benefits can be tricky. Is fresh produce the healthiest? Should you […]

Celebrating Healthy Aging: Ways to Live More Healthfully
Thanks to technology and improvements in medicine, people are living longer. As a result, it’s more important than ever to develop healthy habits as we get older. While your genetics may play a significant role in the aging process, aging adults can still take steps to encourage better health. In this article, we review some […]

Get Creative With Summer Zucchini
Summer is here in North Carolina, so zucchini is abundant – leaving many wondering how to incorporate this healthful food into your diet. While not everyone agrees on the flavor of zucchini – there’s no denying how good it is for you. The truth is, though – zucchini is so mild in flavor that it […]

4 Quick Tips to Get Kids Cooking!
*Special thanks to Soni Melvin for her contributions to this blog post. Looking for some great ways to get your kids excited about meal time? Get them involved in the process! Here are some quick and easy ways to involve kids in planning, prepping and cooking. 4 Ways to Involve Kids in Cooking #1 – […]

Helpful Tips for Safer Food Shopping
Food shopping may look a little different nowadays. However, there are ways to minimize the risk when getting food for you and your family. Practice safe distancing (at least 6 feet apart), and give yourself and others space and go to the store alone if possible. If you are shopping for others – from relatives […]

Continuing School Breakfast and Lunch for Children in Need
The sudden statewide school closures left many parents caught off guard, but it also left many of North Carolina’s 1.5 million public school students potentially hungry. Locations across the state have quickly adapted to the crisis and are actively working to get food to children. Where to Go for School Meals in NC No Kid […]
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