What is diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disease by which your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or your body does not properly respond to the insulin that is produced. This causes sugar levels to rise in the blood because the body cannot break sugar down properly. The most common types of diabetes are type […]
Author: Julie Paul

Parenting Advice: Focus on Health & Wellness from an Early Age
It’s never too early to start teaching your child about healthy lifestyle choices, nor should you wait to help them adopt a positive body image. Research has shown that kindergartners are already making judgments based on weight. Therefore, earlier is better when it comes to teaching your child about health and self-confidence. 5 Tips to […]
Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids: Help fuel their play
As they grab their uniforms, cleats, rackets, helmets, sneakers, etc… make sure your kids grab healthy snacks to keep their energy high and their minds nourished. And, if you’re the parent in charge of snacks, it’s important to bring something that will keep all the kids moving! Here’s a list of go-to snacks that will […]
Doctors Not Discussing Overweight Kids
Recently, UNC Health Care released a study examining whether or not parents of overweight children remember being told by their doctor that their child was overweight. Not surprisingly, only 25 percent of parents remember having this conversation with their doctor. There are many reasons why parents may not remember this conversation with their doctor. 1. […]
Recipe for a Healthier Potluck
I will never forget the first potluck I went to at my church several years ago. There was fried chicken, biscuits and potato dishes as far as the eye can see and not a green vegetable in sight, or any other color vegetable for that matter. Of course, being the dietitian in the church, I […]
Plate v/s Pyramid
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently introduced the plate-shaped icon, replacing the pyramid. Which is better? The answer is they are both great simplistic guides from the government to help you make healthy food choices. But, it is important to note that a visual graphic is just a start. Consumers who are interested in eating […]
What is Baby Fat and What is Not?
Julie Paul, MS, RD, CDE, is a registered dietitian with WakeMed Children’s Diabetes and Endocrinology Childhood obesity is an epidemic in America, and a recent study showed that the path to obesity can begin before age two. But, as parents how do we know what baby fat is cute and what pudge is a sign […]
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