According to the latest census, Raleigh added 127,799 residents and Cary added 40,698 in just the past 10 years. In fact, an Associated Press story today named Raleigh as the second fastest growing market in the United States. This tremendous pace of growth requires continued investment in the health care services available to our community. WakeMed […]
Author: Heather Monackey
Tooting Our Horn
Over the past week, several WakeMed specialties and providers have been praised for being the best. First and foremost, WakeMed was recognized for having a strong record of high performance by U.S. News & World Report for most conditions and procedures in nine different specialties. These specialties include gastroenterology, geriatrics, gynecology, heart & heart surgery, […]
WTVD Troubleshooter: Rear Facing Seats Until Age 2
Yesterday Rosy Rosenthal, WakeMed Raleigh Campus car seat technician, offered WTVD’s Troubleshooter Diane Wilson information on the new car seat recommendations recently sanctioned by the American Academy of Pediatricians along with the National Highway Traffic Administration.
Uninsured patients and WakeMed
This past weekend Janice Frohman, administrative director of emergency services at WakeMed Health & Hospitals, and Jim Palombaro, M.D., president of Wake Emergency Physicians and of the medical staff at the WakeMed Raleigh Campus, submitted the following op ed about the care of the uninsured to the News & Observer. Uninsured patients and WakeMed Almost […]
New pacemaker can take MRI scans
WRAL interviewed Dr. Marc Silver with WakeMed Faculty Physicians – Raleigh Cardiology about the new Revo pacemaker that is MRI compatible. This is the first pacemaker that is MRI compatible. Missed it last night, check it out below.
Construction Begins on Brier Creek Healthplex
Exciting news for the Brier Creek community. Construction has officially begun on the WakeMed Brier Creek Healthplex located at the corner of US-70 and TW Alexander Blvd. Like WakeMed’s other stand-alone emergency departments located in North Raleigh and Apex, the Brier Creek Emergency Department will be staffed by the same board certified physicians that serve […]
Parents should monitor CT radiation exposure for children
Pediatric radiologist Dr. Margaret Douglas discussed pediatric radiation exposure with the WRAL Health Team.
Are Video Games and Computers Causing Injuries?
Since 80 percent of kids ages 8 through 18 today regularly use computers, I thought it might be helpful to expand on last Friday’s post and provide a few additional resources to help encourage healthy computing and offer resources for individuals who have already been impacted by monitor misery. Video Games The American Society of […]
Watch Your Posture
For those of you who missed it Monday, WakeMed Physical Therapist, Amy Howes, provided tips in a News & Observer article about how parents can encourage healthy computing. Here’s what she said: Watch Your Posture Sitting up straight can do a lot to prevent posture problems or pain in the back and neck, said Amy […]
Dig In! to Gardening This Year
Chickens, bees, and cucumbers In a box, in the ground, or in a jar At home, at a school, or in your community With a little time, a little space, dirt and some water you too can have a thriving garden of your own. Advocates for Health in Action is hosting its second annual Dig In! […]
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