Have you ever wondered what kind of germs or bacteria are living on that elevator button, office microwave or restaurant table?
Well, we have. And we are pleased to announce that the WakeMed Pathology Department has agreed to grow and interpret samples taken from around our community. But we want your help determining what to swab.
Let us know that you are curious about germy doorknobs, toys at childcare centers, equipment at the gym etc. (Please be generic. We don’t want to call-out any specific businesses or organizations.)
Then, we’ll pick seven things/locations to swab, and will report the results back to you.
Elevator buttons! After I read The Hot Zone, I was paranoid to touch anything and that was the one thing that freaked me out!
The portable phones or keys we pass off from shift to shift.
I’d like to see what’s growing on shopping cart handles! I can’t stand it when sanitizing wipes aren’t available!
How about what germs are on washable silverware at a restaurant…
Public restrooms – the handles on the sinks. I see many people who don’t wash hands after using public restrooms (like at stores or movie theaters) and I think it is because they think the sink is too dirty.
I would like to know what’s growing on the hand sanitizer pumps that everyone uses in the hallways.
I would like to see the glucometers along with the carrrying case….!
How bout the key pad on vending machines or the condiment dispenser in the Cafeteria?
The keyboards and mouse we share everyday!
The vending machine buttons!!
The Pyxis keyboard in the ICU or ED?
Our employee badge, specifically bedside nurses or techs?
The curtains in patient rooms…are they ever washed?!
Money – dollar bills change hands many, many times. What are we really receiving??
Utensils at salad bars or buffet bars.